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Criminal Justice Week 2 Discussion

Criminal Justice Week 2 Discussion

Q Week #2 Discussion 1 1 unread reply.1 1 reply. As you may have read in Chapter 4, CesareBeccaria argues that capital punishment can be used to control criminal behavior. In your opinion, do you think that captial punishment does control crime? Why or why not? There are 41 capital offense federal crimes that one can be put to death for if convicted. This is the list: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. If you were the President of the United States, what would your recommendations to Congress be in relation to the federal death penalty statutes? What would you add or remove? Why?

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Money is very important for everyone and it is really difficult to earn it. Though it is important yet it is not precious than the life of an individual due to which it is a lot more easy for people to give up money as compared to their life.